Volcano-Seismic Monitoring and Early Warning Network (DRW)

Dominica is home to nine (9) potentially active volcanoes. It is therefore critical that the National Volcano-Seismic Monitoring and Early Warning System remain operational at optimal levels. In this regard, the Office of Disaster Management (ODM) in collaboration with the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (UWI - SRC), and through the support of key partners including, the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP), the Connecting Communities for Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness (CCC DRiP) Project, the Regional Security System (RSS), the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), DOWASCO, and public-private sector partnership through the Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC), carried out Repairs and Upgrade works on Dominica’s Volcano-Seismic Monitoring Network. Cost of Equipment for repair and upgrade to the Network is approximately XCD $1,000,000.

These repair and upgrade works on the Network were carried out during the period November 8 to December 6 2021. At the end of this initial phase:

  • Seventeen (17) sites across the island were identified for installation of stations
  • New installations were completed at the ODM Headquarters in Jimmit, the Londondery Agricultural Station, Castle Bruce Secondary School and DOWASCO Earth tank in Morne Daniel
  • Repairs and upgrade were done to stations at Freshwater Lake, Scotts Head, Salisbury and La Plaine
  • Eight (8) of the seventeen (17) stations are now operational with six (6) transmitting data in real-time to the UWI SRC in Trinidad and Tobago.

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